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Snatch from the Patch


Honestly, this is for my community, who deserves the best watermelons.

Tech Used:

- Next.js
- Styled Components
- Sanity


Domain Name By: Sam Kuban
Watermelon Website Mockup

About This Project:

I have a watermelon 'problem'. I LOVE them. Since we only get a few sweet months when they are in season, who wants to waste their time and effort with a TRASHMELON?  Certainly not me. So when I needed a project to practice building with Sanity and Next.js, a watermelon database was a no brainer. This project is giving me the opportunity to work with Sanity, build a custom site with Next.js, AND eat as many watermelons as possible (21.5 this season, so far).

Let's Talk!

Send me a message, I'd love to hear from you!  Expect a message back within 3 business days.

I will get back to you ASAP!
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