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Emerald Design


Emerald Design

Tech Used:

- Figma
- Webflow
- Custom CSS

About This Project:

Another dream project! What a TREAT when you can combine two things you love. In this case, flowers and building websites!

Emerald Design

The client wanted to keep her site in WordPress and wanted to have as much autonomy as possible with adding content to the site in the future. For those reasons, I decided to use the WordPress builder, Elementor. As far as Wordpress builders go, it's my favorite. I won't do a sales pitch, but I will say I enjoy the dynamic and component-based architecture of Elementor (maybe because Elementor itself is built using React so it feels like a very visual representation of React architecture?).

Emerald Website Pages

Let's Talk!

Send me a message, I'd love to hear from you!  Expect a message back within 3 business days.

I will get back to you ASAP!
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